
Upcoming Events

14th Annual No Horses Shootout 2021

Trail Work

Several times a year, HIMBA, working closely with the HIRRA Parks Steering Committee, plan Trail Work Days. We invite all our members and anyone who loves our trails to come out and lend a hand. Its a fun, satisfying day to have remade a section of trail better than before. Keep your eyes on this page and your email inbox for upcoming opportunities.

The HIMBA Sponsored South Spasm Chasm Trail Replacement Project is almost complete. Big thanks to Arlo, Brett, Dean, Dexter, Dierdre, Eben, Jason, Kasmer, Marc W., Mike, Nick, Odus, Peter, Tig, and Tom for the hard work and enthusiasm at the outings on Nov.11 & Dec 16. GREAT work!

Annual No Horses Shootout

Every year they gather, bringing their bikes, their dreams, their need for a little fun in the forest.

It all started one extremely rainy spring day when the owners of the local bike shop were looking for a fun thing to do. “Let’s race, rain or shine, on our fastest section of trail,” they said. With a reluctant girlfriend manning the stopwatch under an umbrella, Jer, Irah, and Florian laid the first tracks in what was to become an annual rip through the woods.

  • May Long Weekend Sunday
  • High Noon
  • Top of Strachan Road
  • Chris & Brad’s Trail and No Horses Trail
  • Best time of Two Runs
  • No Fee, No Insurance, No Turning Back!
  • Ride at Your Own Risk!

It’s now twelve years later and the race is still going strong. Riders from around the province, the continent, and even the world have participated. It’s all for some bragging rights and a chance to really see how fast you can go.